23 June is National Day!

Why do we celebrate the Grand Duke's birthday on this date when he was born on 16 April? Let's take a closer look!

Luxembourg's National Day is celebrated every year on 23 June. The sovereign's birthday is celebrated on National Day, even if he was not born on that date. It's a lovely story: Grand Duchess Charlotte was born on 23 January, but it wasn't much fun celebrating in the middle of winter. So she put it back six months and it stayed there.

The celebrations start on the evening of the 22nd. The Grand Ducal family attends the military band's serenade on Place Guillaume II and a torchlight procession. A firework display is then launched from the Pont Adolphe.

On the 23rd, after the military parade, the Grand Duke, his family and members of the government attend a Te Deum at Luxembourg Cathedral. After this religious ceremony, twenty-one cannon shots are fired.

And to make sure it's a celebration for all Luxembourgers, for all those who live and work here, it's a public holiday, which means we get the day off work!