Grand Ducal Palace
The ballroom

The Ballroom (Salle des Fêtes) is one of the most important and well-known rooms in the Palace. This is where ministers are sworn into office and important visitors to the Grand Duchy are photographed. During State visits tables are set for the banquets held in this majestic room. And it's from this room that we access the balcony from which we greet the crowds on National Day and other special occasions.
The Grand Ducal Couple

Do you recognise these people who were received at the Palace?

Photos of the majestic ballroom

Before continuing our visit, a few words about the Court's Suppliers
You might have already noticed that on some products there is a design representing a crown with the words 'Fournisseur de la Cour' (Supplier to the Court)?

The products may be from a bookshop, a grocery shop, a florist, a caterer, a laundry, a specialist craftsman or an earthenware manufacturer…
The high quality of their products and services has earned them the trust of the Grand Duke and his Maison. And this trust authorises them to use the 'Fournisseur de la Cour' label on their products.
But earning the right to use the label is no easy task! The title 'Fournisseur de la Cour' is awarded to companies or businesses that provide regular services or deliver products of outstanding quality to the Grand Ducal Court.
The list of Suppliers to the Grand Ducal Court is updated annually on the occasion of the National Day on 23 June.