The aide de camp

Hello! I'm the Grand Duke's aide de camp. I'm responsible for accompanying His Royal Highness on all his official visits. When I travel, I always sit in the front of the car. I'm one of the people who is with him most of the time. I make sure that everything goes according to plan.

In the past, the aide de camp was a young officer responsible for carrying the orders of his superior wherever necessary, especially on the battlefield. Today, it's a much more peaceful profession! But it is very, very important.

The Grand Duke's aide de camp is a military officer. The aide de camp's role is to accompany the Grand Duke everywhere, during official ceremonies and on his many visits to Luxembourg and abroad. When not travelling with the Grand Duke, the aide de camp prepares and organises future visits. The aide de camp is expected to be discreet and loyal, but also to think of everything to make travelling as smooth and easy as possible for the Grand Duke.

The Grand Duke, Grand Duchess and Hereditary Grand Duke each have their own personal aide de camp.