The Marshal of the Court
Hello, I'm the Marshal of the Court. I organise the Grand Duke's official activities. There’s a whole team working with me at the Palace, in Luxembourg, in the Maison du Grand-Duc ('House of the Grand Duke').
The Marshal of the Court and his team organise all the public activities of the Grand Duke, the Hereditary Grand Duke and members of the family. For example, he organises visits to Luxembourg by heads of state and the Grand Duke’s visits abroad. The Marshal is responsible for relations between the Grand Duke and the members of the government.
He also has a say in communications. For example, he has given his consent for the website you are currently browsing to be put online.
Aides de camp, policemen, chauffeurs, cooks, gardeners, IT specialists, valets… there are dozens of people working for the Grand Duke and his family. Let’s get to know some of them. The Marshal of the Court is also their director.