Prince Charles

Hello! I'm Charles. My dad is Guillaume, my mum is Stéphanie. I was born in 2020 and they call me 'Little Charles'. One day, I'll become Grand Duke of Luxembourg. But I've got plenty of time before that happens! In the meantime, I go to school like all Luxembourg children and I also look after my little brother.

Prince Charles was born on 10 May 2020 at the Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte in Luxembourg. As the couple's first child, he is second in line to the throne after his father. His godfather is Prince Louis, Guillaume's brother, and his godmother is Countess Gaëlle, Stéphanie's sister.

The little prince brightens up official photos with his presence and accompanies his parents on some of their activities, such as visiting elderly people in care homes. There's no age requirement for learning to be a Prince!

But in everyday life, little Charles goes to nursery school where he plays with children his own age. He has a tricycle and can't wait to learn to ride a bike.

But most importantly, he's become a big brother!