Prince Sébastien
I’m Sébastien, I am the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess March Teresa’s fifth child. I was born in 1992, making me the youngest in my family. After my studies, I did military training and am now an officer in the Luxembourg army. I love sport, especially rugby. I was selected for the under-18 national team.
After primary school in the Grand Duchy, Prince Sébastien left to study in the United Kingdom before returning to Luxembourg to complete his secondary education. His higher education took him to the United States, where he studied marketing and communications. He has also successfully completed officer training in the UK (2016–2017). He commands a platoon of the Irish Guards, the British Army regiment in which his grandfather, Grand Duke Jean, served during the Second World War.

He is passionate about solar energy, sustainable forest management (which is what he does for a living) and animal welfare. As well as rugby, which he is really good at, he also enjoys skiing, climbing and swimming. He has accepted the High Patronage of the "Fédération luxembourgeoise de natation et de sauvetage" (the Luxembourg Swimming and Lifesaving Federation).