Head ornaments and gala outfits

For important receptions, the Grand Ducal Family wears sumptuous gala outfits. The Grand Duchess and Princesses also wear tiaras or diadems with these outfits. There is no crown in the Luxembourg tradition. The Grand Duke and Princes do not wear head ornaments.

Tiaras and diadems are real…crowns. Like the 'Empire Tiara', which was first worn by Grand Duchess Charlotte at her wedding. It has adorned the heads of the Grand Duchesses who succeeded her: Joséphine-Charlotte and Maria Teresa.

Grand Duke Henri wears his ceremonial military uniform for official events. On these occasions, he also wears his decorations for the Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau and the Order of Civil and Military Merit of Adolphe de Nassau, two orders of which he is Grand Master. These are Luxembourg's most important decorations. For both men’s and women’s ceremonial dress, the decorations are worn with the orange ribbon in Luxembourg. Abroad, the ribbon is the colour of the host country.