Prince Louis

Hello, my name is Louis. I was born in 1986 and I am the third son of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria-Teresa. The thing I love best is being with my two sons, Princes Gabriel and Noah, born in 2006 and 2007. I love taking them skiing or playing strategy games with them.

Like his brothers, Prince Louis went to school in the Grand Duchy to start with. During his secondary education in Switzerland, he accompanied humanitarian missions to India, where he taught English, maths and gymnastics to the poorest children. He then joined the Red Cross in Geneva for a year.

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He is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, English, German and Spanish. His studies left him with a love of nature and a passion for aeroplanes. In fact, he is also a pilot. He studied psychology and is a qualified mediator, which means he helps people to resolve their conflicts. He was diagnosed as dyslexic when he was a child, and he has made helping dyslexic people and mediation his profession. Being dyslexic means finding reading and writing difficult.
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Prince Louis has accepted the patronage of the Luxembourg federations of table tennis, combat sports and aeronautics, which are all sports he loves.