Princess Alexandra

My name is Alexandra and I am the Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess March Teresa’s only daughter. I was born in 1991 and grew up surrounded by four boys! I'm married to Nicolas. We share many passions, including reading and travelling. I also love sport, downhill skiing, water skiing and tennis. I did dance and gymnastics for a long time.

Princess Alexandra attended primary school in Angelsberg and then secondary school at the Lycée Vauban in Luxembourg. After studying psychology in the United States, she got a degree in philosophy in Paris. She has always been interested in politics and international relations, and was an intern at the United Nations Security Council in New York when Luxembourg was a member.

The Princess is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, English and Spanish, and has a good understanding of German and Italian. In terms of social involvement, she works as a volunteer in refugee aid. She granted her High Patronage to the Luxembourg Foundation for the visually impaired and to the Luxembourg Society for the protection of animals.

When her schedule permits, Princess Alexandra attends official ceremonies or takes part in Grand Ducal family activities. She accompanied her father on a State visit to Japan in 2017.