The Hereditary Grand Duke

Hello, my name is Guillaume. I am the Hereditary Grand Duke. This means that one day I will succeed my father, Grand Duke Henri. I'm preparing for this important role by taking part in a number of official activities. I am married to Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and am the father of Prince Charles and Prince François.

Prince Guillaume went to primary school in Luxembourg. He studied literature and political science. He loves languages: he is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, German, English and Spanish. Encouraged by his grandfather and father to discover and protect nature, he became a Scout and has important responsibilities in the World Scout Foundation.

Like his father Henri and grandfather Jean, Guillaume underwent military training at Sandhurst in Great Britain. He is a Colonel in the Luxembourg army.

Together with the Government, he accompanies Luxembourg companies on missions abroad to help them sell Luxembourg products. In this way, he is preparing for his future responsibilities as Head of State.