The keeper of the silver

I'm keeper of the silver and cellarman. It's a funny job. I look after silverware, everything made of silver, from silverware and jewellery to decorative items. And I look after drinks in general and the wine cellar in particular. I assure you, I don't taste every bottle…

Keeper of the silver and cellarman. There are three of them, one at each site: the Palace, Berg and Fischbach. Each of the sites has its own silverware. You can admire some of the Palace's collection during summer visits, in particular the candelabra showing Saint George slaying the dragon (London, 1850), or the deer trophy with covered bowl (Augsburg, 1710) and other exceptional pieces that are sometimes exhibited in museums. The keeper of the silver is responsible for looking after them. He is also a 'cellarman' because he looks after the wine cellar. He is passionate about wine and has often taken special training courses, but above all he has learnt a lot from his predecessors.

The 'keeper of the silver and cellarman' role is carried out by valets who have learned the trade 'on the job'.